

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Kallie Chauvez

A little bit about yourself--where are you from? What do you like to do?
With 19 years of experience in education, I have developed a deep passion for teaching and inspiring young minds. As a devoted parent to my daughter, I understand the importance of nurturing curiosity and creativity both in and out of the classroom. I have a particular fondness for all things Disney, which reflects my belief in the power of imagination and storytelling. In my free time, I love to read and travel, always seeking new adventures and knowledge to bring back to my students.
Favorite thing about teaching or working at Sullivan?
My favorite things about Sullivan Middle School are the students, the dedicated faculty, the diverse culture, and the joy of watching our school community grow together.
What is your "genius" or "Superpower"?
My genius is that I am deeply passionate about curriculum development and the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. Crafting engaging, rigorous, and meaningful lessons is at the core of my teaching philosophy. I believe in the power of a well-designed curriculum to not only impart knowledge but also to foster critical thinking, creativity, and a love for learning. The IB program, with its emphasis on global-mindedness and inquiry-based learning, aligns perfectly with my educational values. It encourages students to explore and understand complex concepts, make connections across disciplines, and develop a lifelong love for learning. Implementing the IB framework allows me to challenge my students to become independent thinkers and compassionate global citizens.