

Degrees and Certifications:

BSHE - University of Georgia Masters of Education - Columbia College 30 + above Masters - Winthrop University

Mrs. Starr Lee

A little bit about yourself--where are you from? What do you like to do? 
I am a mother of 4, grandmother of 8, sister of 5, a friend of many, and a teacher by profession. I love being a teacher and sharing my love of Family & Consumer Science with students. I was born in Hawkinsville, Georgia, and attended the University of Georgia. Outside of school, I enjoy tending to my yard, needlework, spending time with my family and grandchildren, 3 of whom live an hour away! Typically, I am "my glass is half full" rather than "half empty" kind of a person, and always look forward to getting acquainted with my students.
Favorite thing about teaching or working at Sullivan? 
Students and faculty!
What is your "genius" or "Superpower"? 
Positivity & kindness