

Degrees and Certifications:

B.A. English Literature ; B.A. Secondary Education

Ms. Lauren Hauck

A little bit about yourself--where are you from? What do you like to do?
I'm originally from Silver Spring, Maryland. I attended UMD and received degrees in both English Literature and Secondary Education. I have lived in Charlotte for 15 years. I have an amazing daughter, Emily, and a sweet pup named Belle. I love reading, being active, and spending time with my friends.
Favorite thing about teaching or working at Sullivan?
Sullivan is a wonderful place to work because of the people! I truly value my relationships with our admin and my fellow teachers. It's a great school to make friends and feel like a part of a supportive community. The kids are awesome and I love watching them grow as learners!
What is your "genius" or "Superpower"? 
I have a very goofy, fun personality, and I think that makes all students feel welcome in my room😀