

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Elizabeth Wildes

A little bit about yourself--where are you from? What do you like to do?
I am from Rock Hill born in raised. I moved to Myrtle Beach for 8 years and moved back last year. I love the summer. For fun I like to swim in pools not the ocean, but I love sitting on the beach, and spending time with my family. I also like to go out with friends and watch Netflix with my husband and kids.

Favorite thing about teaching or working at Sullivan?
I love getting to spend all day teaching a topic that I am passionate about. I love when students have that same passion and excitement when they learn. I am lucky to be able to have a job where I have the opportunity to help the youth grow and learn. My favorite thing about Sullivan is the welcome and support faculty and staff give to one another and their students.

What is your "genius" or "Superpower"?
My "genius" is being able to tell you anything you want, or don't want, to know about the Tudor Dynasty. My "superpower" is my empathy towards others.

